Minecraft Classic Unblocked

W – forward
S – back
A – left
D – right
B – Build
F – toggle fog
R – load location
Space bar – jump
T – chat
Save location – enter


Tell me what comes first to your mind when you hear ‘open-world sandbox building game’? I guess there can be only one answer to this question, right?

Minecraft Classic, that is 100% correct, this is a good old game that we used to spend hours and even days playing non-stop and we all enjoyed it. I remember how entertaining was it for me when I first came across this game, so simple, yet so amazing. Today we will talk about the unblocked version of this game that can be played directly from your browser, stay with us and learn more fascinating facts below.


This browser version of the game, the best part about it is that you can play it directly from your browser without having to install anything. Just type in our blog in your browser and you are good to go. It was released on the 10th anniversary by the developer Mojang, if you want to thank him you can do it by visiting his official Twitter page.

For the most part, this game looks like the original one, there are so many similarities that I thought that it was some kind of trick or something. As always there are 32 available blocks in the game, you can do so many things with a combination of these blocks, you already know the secrets and tricks of the game probably so I won’t bother you with talking about it once more.

Additionally to all the cool old stuff, you can also enjoy this game online with your friends, eight players are supported simultaneously in the game, isn’t it just awesome?

Yeah, good old days, this game was released back in 2009 and I still feel like it was yesterday…


There is a good reason why this game is called Minecraft Classic Unblocked, this game is the exact copy of the 2009 year release, even bugs are the same, as well as thirty-two building blocks.

The interface is pretty much the same as well. Seeing this game once again brings all of the good old memories back to us and we gotta appreciate every bit of it.

Interesting facts

– you only have 32 blocks, building capacities are limited
– there are no enemies in this game, no monsters nothing, don’t be afraid of coming darkness of night
– sand blocks are real jewels of the game, don’t waste them and use them wisely
– hilarious way of walking of your characters, arms actually swing widely and it is so funny to see MC walking
– initially, this game was called ‘Minecraft Alpha’

This game is extremely popular, if you will look at statistics you will see that not only PC version of the game is listed in the top charts, but the same goes for mobile gaming as well.

This game on your device
Play Minecraft Classic Unblocked on your mobile as well for free, check our download links below and join millions of players worldwide.

YouTube guide
I always thought that there is something fascinating about video guides, probably the fastest way to learn new things and tricks as well. Check the following guide and improve your gaming skills.


I can’t describe how happy I am to see this original version of the game here. I still feel like a kid by just simply playing it, as if I am still in school and enjoying my life like I used to before. Give it a try if you are not familiar with this game, I am absolutely sure that you will love it.

Oh and one more thing guys, leave your comments below, tell us what you think about this classic online game.

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